Sibu Omega 7 Blend

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Sale price$34.95


 SIBU Blend juice supplement features our exclusive premium Himalayan sea buckthorn (aka sea berry) juice mixed with other sweeter fruit juices for those not too keen on the mind-blowing tart and astringent taste of our PURE product. If you are looking for the most potent sea buckthorn puree on the planet, click the link below. SIBU Blend does have a lot of sea buckthorn in it and is a great omega-7 supplement but it also has a delightful flavor thanks to added fruit juices. Blend is the original! Our very first product launched in 2005. To this day it's still one of our most popular products thanks to the copious omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 fatty acids and incredible micronutrients and antioxidants. Drink and once or two a day to keep the Dr away! (Still get those routine exams though okay?!) 



  • Sibu's exclusive premium Himalayan sea buckthorn juice
  • Enhanced with added sea buckthorn seed oil
  • Sweetened with other healthy fruit juices
  • No preservatives or artificial flavors
  • PETA cruelty-free and vegan
  • Great for skin, hair and nail health
  • Potent combo of omegas 3, 6, 7 and 9
  • Supports heart, digestive tract, urogenital tract health
  • Even kids love this stuff!

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